Teaching experience:
- Journalistik og samfund, Fall 2022, Roskilde University (RUC)
- Journalistisk innovation, Fall 2022, RUC
- Medieudvikling og medieinnovation, Fall 2021, the Danish School of Media and Journalism (DMJX)
- Medieudvikling og medieinnovation, Fall 2021, DMJX
- Medieudvikling og medieinnovation, Fall 2020, DMJX
- Medieudvikling og medieinnovation, Fall 2020, DMJX
- Ledelse af kreative projekter, Fall 2019, The IT University of Copenhagen (ITU)
- Thesis Prep, Fall 2019, ITU
- Thesis Prep, Spring 2019, ITU
- Strategisk kommunikation, Spring 2018, ITU
- Strategisk kommunikation, Spring 2017, ITU
- Digital Media and Communication, Fall 2016, ITU
- Journalistisk håndværk 5: Journalistisk Laboratorium (J-Lab), Spring 2016, University of Southern Denmark (SDU)
- Læsegruppe (study group), Fall 2015, SDU
- Sociale medier i teori og praksis, Fall 2015, SDU
- Journalistikkens praktik, Spring 2015, SDU
- Journalistisk håndværk 5: Journalistisk Laboratorium (J-Lab), Spring 2015, SDU
- Aktuelle Samfundsmæssige Problemer, Fall 2014, SDU
- Journalistisk håndværk 5: Journalistisk Laboratorium (J-Lab), Fall 2014, SDU
- Journalistikkens praktik, Spring 2014, SDU
- Medieanalyse 2 – Medieteori og kontekst, Spring 2013, University of Copenhagen (UCPH)
- Faktateori og -analyse, Spring 2013, UCPH
- Nyheder og journalistik i Danmark, Spring 2013, UCPH
- Organisations- og institutionsanalyse (media seminars), Fall 2010, UCPH
- Gratisaviserne – nyheder mellem marked og demokrati, Fall 2009, UCPH
- Organisations- og institutionsanalyse (media seminars), Fall 2009, UCPH
- TV-meter (part of the Film and Media Sociology course), Spring 2007, UCPH
My teaching philosophy
I believe that the best environment for learning is one where students participate actively. For this reason, I plan my teaching as interactions between me as the lecturer and the students to the largest possible extent (this is, however, obviously a challenge in large classes). Furthermore, I aim at creating a culture where it is acceptable for students as well as lecturers to make mistakes and not always know where the discussion is going to end – as long as it happens on the shared informed foundation that comes from, for example, that the students have actually read what they are supposed to.
Thesis supervision
I supervise a lot of master-thesis projects. I have made a short document (in Danish) that outlines how I approach that activity: „Om specialevejledning‟