Danes‛ access to digital news and current affairs (2022-2024)

This research project explored Danes‛ access to news and current affairs coverage on main news websites. First, we used manual and automated content analysis of around 30,000 pieces of content to analyze which content is placed behind and in front of paywalls, respectively. Second, through 27 qualitative interviews with media professionals, we explored strategies for these placements.

The project group consisted of Ida Skytte Asmussen (Danish School of Media and Journalism), Morten Brænder and Rasmus Skytte (both Aarhus University), and me (who was also the project leader). This research project was initiated by the Danish Ministry of Culture, which financed most of it (400,000 DKK).

So far, this research project has resulted in one publication (with more on their way):