I did my PhD at the Department for Media, Cognition, and Communication at the University of Copenhagen from February, 2010, through January, 2013. Professor Stig Hjarvard served as my supervisor. I publicly defended the PhD dissertation “News on the Web: instantaneity, multimodality, interactivity, and hypertextuality on Danish news websites” on May 3, 2013.
For my PhD, I researched whether/how news workers use the affordances of news websites.
The PhD project was financed by a
Three journal articles, one book chapter, and one Danish-language book have come directly from the dissertation:
- Aske Kammer (2018). Digital journalistik. Samfundslitteratur.
- Aske Kammer (2018). Researching Affordances. In: Jeremy Hunsinger, Lisbeth Klastrup, & Matthew W. Allen (Eds.), Second International Handbook of Internet Research (pp. 337-349). Springer.
- Aske Kammer (2013). Audience Participation in the Production of Online News. Towards a Typology. Nordicom Review, 34(Special Issue 2013), 113-126.
- Aske Kammer (2013). Terrorisme i realtid: 22. juli 2011 på danske og norske netaviser, Norsk Medietidsskrift, 20(4), 292-311.
- Aske Kammer (2013). The mediatization of journalism. MedieKultur, 54, 141-158.