Digital Media and Communication (2016)

Description: The course aims to provide a „toolbox‟ of techniques and theories which will enable the student to analyze and assess communicative aspects of digital media. The course is an introduction to communications and media research with specific emphasis on digital media from various perspectives: theoretical, practical, social and historical. The course introduces students to communication and media theory perspectives, with particular emphasis on digital media. We will deal with specific problems, challenges and benefits associated with IT based communication. Theoretically, the course focuses on basic communication theory, media theory, theories of computer-mediated communication, and historical and contemporary ideas about digital media and their specific communicative potential. Communication and media research methodology is also introduced. There will be ample opportunity to test and apply the presented theories and methods in the exercise sessions, where we will work with various small cases and current examples as a basis for discussion. The experience from this part of the course will be used in the examination project, in which the students must identify a problem, phenomenon or practice related to digital media and communication and apply the relevant theories and methods to conduct a study and analyze the results. A further goal for the course is that the students should achieve a theoretical, methodological and analytical basis for understanding digital media and digital communications that can be converted and used in subsequent courses.

Course language: English

Study program: Master of Arts (MA) in Digital Design and Communication

Institution: The IT University of Copenhagen

ECTS: 7.5

Number of students: <80

Co-teacher: Luca Rossi

Links and documents: Course description